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Samsung maintains the lead in the world market of NAND memory flash

Samsung mantiene el liderazgo del mercado de memorias NAND flash

According to the latest study by DRAMeXchange, the South Korean company Samsung continues to dominate the world making memories NAND market flash.

Although NAND memory chip flash was originally introduced by the Toshiba company, since its emergence, the industry landscape has undergone drastic changes: Samsung has positioned itself as the market leader, and according to the latest data, it seems that this position of leadership will remain, at least for the moment.

According to DRAMeXchange, during the past year, Samsung reached 14.151 billion dollars in sales of memory NAND flash, which gives it a significant advantage significantly on Toshiba, in second place with $ 7.898 billion. In this sense, Samsung experienced a 34% growth over the previous year, while only Toshiba did by 18.4%.

Was at the end of 2015 when the gap between both companies manufacturers of memory NAND flash began to increase, especially during the fourth quarter, period in which the total sales of Toshiba fell, and Samsung sold twice that Toshiba.

But what is really striking is the impressive growth of this distance between Samsung and Toshiba experienced during the year 2016, since this gap had never exceeded 6,000 million dollars and which highlights the successful journey by Samsung since it began the mass production of NAND Flash memories flash 3Den 2013.

There is a widespread consensus that holds among market analysts that Samsung will continue to dominate the global NAND Flash memory sales flash however, Toshiba may have a plan.

Although it is still a rumor, there is speculation that Toshiba may sell a minority of its chips business interest to alleviate its financial problems. Western Digital Corp. could be a buyer potential and, of being so, the actions of both companies could overcome to them of Samsung. But there are antitrust laws and the buying process would take a long time. Despite this, expected that operation is completed at the beginning of 2018, with WD or another company.

Thus, although the growth of Samsung seems unstoppable, with this change in Toshiba industry could experience another interesting twist.

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