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Applications to be informed from your Android device

Aplicaciones para estar informado desde tu dispositivo Android

During that run, being informed is essential, although it is sometimes more difficult than we could imagine. So we have plenty of applications that you can install on your Android Smartphone and be informed of the breaking of all how much happens in Spain, in the world or your topics of interest.

There are who opts to be informed through Twitter or Facebook, something not very advisable because there is a serious risk of misinformation. So today we are going to show a series of one hundred percent information applications: news agencies, media…

News apps to find out what happens in the world

Reuters Spain

It is the official application of one of the largest and most prestigious agencies news from around the world, Reuters, a source of information for both readers and journalists: “Reuters provides latest news from around the world a wide coverage of Spain, international, business and financial news.”

Available for the Google Play Kiosco app here.

20 minutes

The official app of digital newspaper of the same name, completely free and offers section for last minute, videos, articles, news… You can also configure notifications to receive the latest news on the topics that most interest you, tell any publication (including videos and photos), Save to read later with the option “Favorites, share news with your contacts…

Download link

News Republic

It’s a completely free service that leads to your smartphone “a wide range of media. around the world News national and international politics, culture, gossip, sports, fashion, economics and, hundreds of themes more“.” In addition, it also works as aggregator of RSS feeds so you can incorporate the sources that most interest you.

News Republic knows what is what you like, our technology customizes your application automatically

It has a lot of features and functionality including:

  • My News Digest: Your daily summary of news based on the topics you are interested to follow. Made by and for you.
  • Staff: Choose all topics that you are interested in and customize your home screen.
  • In-depth: Explore issues through the Tag Nav technology.
  • Trend: All the latest news most commented, read and shared the moment.
  • Sports: All the news, polls and discussions on the world of sport, (football, basketball, Champions, NBA, Formula 1, MotoGP, League, tennis and, more)
  • High resolution videos to see the breaking news: national news and international, economy, politics, technology, leisure, culture, gossip, fashion and sports.
  • Experts: follow our experts and find out which are the most popular topics of the moment
  • Community: Create your account for free. Join the community of News Republic and follow their friends and experts favorites. Create your custom news profile and invite your friends and family to join your community. Discover which position in the ranking of News Republic may until. Will you arrive to become an expert?

Download link

The Economist

If yours is to be aware of the current economic and financial, the official app of the Economist is what you need, economic information pure and hard, one of the best means of this sector. Includes:

-Home, flash market and breaking news. news
-Reviews and advice from investment of EcoTrader
-Quotes from national and international markets
-Quotes of currencies, materials premiums and interest rates
-Customization of values
-Send news

Download link

BBC News

And for those who know English, one of the best ways to be informed is the BBC, a complete application design carefully and with a lot of features to make it very personal.

Download link

The Spanish

And ended up with a national medium, the Spanish, the latest creation of Pedro J. that counts among its ranks with journalists who are doing an incredible job good. Among its main features:

  • On the cover: the news that are occurring at the moment they are happening. The best way to find out what’s happening every minute.
  • River: Enjoy the main news in a new format, especially simple to use on touch screens.
  • The issue: Our flagship product. Every night, from 10 p.m., download a full development of the main news of the day. Ideal to enjoy in a more restful way and go to the bottom of issues.

Download link

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