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Home / News / New update of Xposed Pokemon Pokemon Go 0.31.0-compatible.

New update of Xposed Pokemon Pokemon Go 0.31.0-compatible.

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Congratulations to all the Pokemaniaticos of the planet already today I bring Xposed Pokemon update so you can enjoy one of the best Hacks for Pokemon Go, which allows us to play a Pokemon Go without leaving home, even in the latest version of Pokemon Go that does not come to be other than the 0.31.0 that you presented the other day and I taught to install manually.

So in this new practical tutorial in which I’ve even included an informational video explaining how it works the Xposed Pokemon module, both to initiate it and to stop it completely, also I explain some tips to be found to avoid that Nintendo and Niantic realize made traps and not us baneen your Pokemon Go user account. So now you know, if you want to enjoy Xposed Pokemon to be able Play Pokemon Go without leaving home even in the latest version of the game, I advise you not miss detail of the attached video with which we started this post as well as to clicks on “Continue reading this post” where you attach all the details to be able to update and enjoy this module Xposed Pokemon Go.

Xposed Pokemon to upgrade to the latest available version

[APK] Descargar e instalar Xposed Pokemon, la mejor manera de cazar Pokemons sin salir de casa, incluso en terminales Samsung

For Update Xposed Pokemon to your last version available, it version 1.7 of it application that us goes to serve for Hunt Pokemon without it need of exit of House for get it, so only are going to have that enter in it application Xposed Installer and in the option of downloads, click on the module Xposed Pokemon, move to it left until get to the option of downloads and click on the button of download it last version 1.7 that is fully compatible with the latest version of Pokemon Go 0.31.0.

Once downloaded are going to open the package installer from Android where you only have to click on the installbutton. Once the application is installed only we will be to enable the module as I explain in the attached video and then restart the terminal so cited Xposed Pokemon module to be enabled correctly.

Already rebooted once the only terminal to open the application Xposed Pokémon, it can open from the drawer of our Android app or the option modules Xposed Installer, to finally set the location where we want to move, the cruising speed of our avatar and press the Start button to bring up the joystick and already we can we will be running Pokemon Go and enjoy the hunting of Pokemon without the need of get out of our House.


To disconnect the Xposed Pokemon module completely and that we can play again Pokemon Go smoothly, just be uninhabited module completely from the Xposed Installer application and restart the terminal.

Although the process of updating and configuration of Xposed Pokemon seems rather complicated, the truth is that the process is very but very simple, so I advise you before you mess with the application and add a comment that does not work you, before you dig you a look at the attached video tutorial with which we started this post where I explain step by step all the steps to follow as well as run and start using the application in a safe manner.

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