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YouTube Go, the official app from Google to download videos from YouTube

YouTube Go

Although it seems lie and sounds in a tone of messing, these Google are preparing a new application that is going to allow the download of YouTube videos do legal form, consent and without violating any of the most popular video channel remodeled strict conditions over the Internet under the name of YouTube Go .

I say it’s standards channel as ourselves, the Androidsis channel of YouTube, does well little time suffer the consequences of these rules by warning for “allegedly” violating those same rules that they themselves will allow with the creation of the YouTube Goapp.

Google violated its own policy of conditions of use

How you have commented in the intro of this article, is curious this not less controversial decision of Google of, finally create an application official as YouTube Go that allow of way native and official the download of content hosted in the channel of YouTube of which are owners and Lords, and more thinking in few channels or applications dedicated to this end will have banned these of Google by breaching them standards of the community of creators of the channel , in which, is severely punishable the share applications, methods or tricks that serve for to download videos of TouTube, listen music or see videos avoiding using the own channel of YouTube or application official diverting so the traffic to the own channel creator of them contained hosted.

This is one thing I can assure good hand already to own YouTube channel of Androdisisvideo, by sharing an application that was used to listen to streaming music, music that was logically hosted on YouTube and why we suffer a first notice of illegal use of the channel for sharing applications or methods that diverted the flow of the canal or visits to the same.

YouTube Go

Logically suspect illegal activity video was automatically disabled first by the heads of YouTube and then removed by us in good faith Act and claiming that we were unaware such terms so that our channel suffered from restrictions or impediments to carry out our work, which is none other than sharing tutorials help, apps, tricks, and reviews of terminals that you all may be well informed primarily what happens and happens in this in the Android world.

Even so we suffer restrictions for six monthss nothing more and nothing less. Restrictions such as not being able to annotations in videos or even limiting us the use of the new information cards in the videos.

You tell all this by the simple reason of that comes to tale given the news that has jumped to them media international in which, the own Google would be preparing an application official that with the name of YouTube Go goes to allow all this of way legal jumping is them own standards that they have developed and created and by which so many and so many channels have been sanctioned suspended temporarily or even permanently banner.

YouTube Go

This rectification on the guidelines to be followed in terms of the YouTube channel, unofficial rectification and that it has not become public, how obviously only going to concern to them that, as owners and masters of the channel, they will now skip the internal rules to create your own application to themselves , yet having nothing to do with YouTube directly , you going to allow what to other applications or media not them have allowed at least until now.

If you are interested in testing the application which in principle only will be available in those countries that we now call as “emerging markets”, a few countries in which Google sees an incredible business opportunity and which wants to enter at all costs as it has shown us with its Android One program or now skipping their own policies and guidelines for use of YouTube channel you only have to enter this link and sign up to make themselves let you know as soon as the application is available in your country or region.

YouTube go

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