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Google will announce the name of Android in a few weeks

Android N

Google even launched on its website a section to encourage users to suggest a name for Android, the new version of which we have the previous developer a few months ago. A new and greater version coming to improve Marshmallow and put the lace in certain aspects to deliver an enhanced experience of user at all levels.

Now we know that Google has closed the admission of new suggestions of names for Android N and which will be announced in the coming weeks. So it’ll be late this month or in early July. What is not clear is whether the announcement of Android N name will have to do with the release of the final version, since it would more or less walk on the same dates if you look at the words of Google.

The @NameAndroidN campaign was announced I/o to help Google decide the denomination with which it would represent the latest version of Android. As he explained the company, there are no options for this letter in particular and more if you search for a topic related to the pastry as all the other names of Android as they are Ice Cream Sandwich, Marshmallow, KitKat, and others.

The first track for the final name of the Android version normally appears with the new statue at the Google campus. So soon we will see the installation of the same as well as any entry in a blog or a landing page for the OS. As I have said, also dates between the knowledge of the name of the version of Android and the deployment of the final version to Nexus devices would be very close, so we walk attentive as we usually do.

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