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How have the exclusive wallpapers ‘ Live Earth’ of the Pixel on your Android

Live earth

A few days ago Google launched the Google Play Store the new app of wallpapers that includes all those wallpapers that are available in the Pixel and Android 7.0 Nougat. A series of wallpapers of great quality that you allow change them of form auto or select which want of a large list of them. Funds of screen well selected and that have as great protagonist to that perspective of satellite that tends to create screenshots with a special texture.

This is must to the Agency B-Reel with that great G was working to create those funds of screen unique to the Pixel and Pixel XL. Not only is satisfied with those wallpapers more standard, but launched ones called “Live Earth” that stand out by have that effect parallax so striking and that us allow have another experience when us move through the different screens that have in the phone. Thanks to the reason of be of Android, you can have them in your own terminal, although are something exclusive of the Pixel.

Wallpapers ‘Live Earth’ on your Android phone

These wallpapers called ‘Live Earth’ stand out by offering an effect 3D parallax that change perspective as you move between screens. The own Brownee, when he made the first impressions of Google Pixel, he talked about the wonders of these funds that offer a great effect when we move through those screens that we have configured the different accesses and widgets.


As not could be of another form, a developer called Quinny898 has diving through the system dump of the Pixel to find all those files and libraries so so it can install on your Android. It has combined all these resources found in a same APK, which means that you can install one of the best features of the Pixel software on your phone in a few simple clicks. It does not require ROOT, so you have all your hand to have those ‘ Live earth’ on your smartphone without much effort.

How have the ‘Live Earth’ on an Android device

It first that we have that make is take the APK and activate the installation from sources unknown. This is made from settings > Security > sources unknown. The file is 80MB to have all the necessary libraries.

  • Download the APK from ‘ Live Earth’ of the Pixel

Once have the app installed, performed a pulsation prolonged on the desktop of your Android and select funds of screen. Now will have to look for the live wallpapers section to find any of the wallpapers that you have installed via the APK. If you have the Pixel Launcher you have to go to the section “Live wallpapers”, on the other hand, if you use Google Now Launcher or another Launcher apps, get scroll until you find the new wallpapers live that you have installed.


Already installed, can give you has the great effect achieved with those funds of screen. When you unlock the phone, the background image moves with an Outlook downward, and when you move through the different screens in the desktop, moves to the side even by rotating it.

And they are not only to be a fascinating wallpaper, but they have some functionality than other. The “Horizon” wallpaper goes from what is the sunrise to sunset to show how the battery goes from 100% to remain without it. He Fund of screen “Your World” shows a view in time real of the position of the Sun in your location, while is superimposed on the photography current of the radar of the clouds.

A few wallpapers that I recommend you at least try by the great effect, apart from having some very interesting functionality as show what remains of the battery according to the time of day.

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