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Soon there will be superbaterias which will be loaded in seconds and will last 20 times longer than the current

Las baterías del futuro que se cargan en segundos

Although the world of mobile technology moves at a rapid pace, there is one thing on which to this day are still in the prehistory, and is that without a doubt, one of the most vital components of mobile devices such as its built-in batteries that make them work, today still having some progress in recent years above all because we now have higher-capacity batteries, these are still inadequate and without a doubt the great black spot of current technology.

Although, according to the news just published phandroid, this could have its days numbered since it is investigating with a new technology or concept of superbateria that in addition to load in seconds, also promise us to last 20 times longer than current batteries.

The best thing that could change the world of technology such as we know it today is that these so-called superbaterias, as discussed by the researchers of the project, have a special supercapacitadora technology, which apparently won’t degrade with use of the time load after load, and is that as discussed in the article , these superbaterias of the future do not show signs of degradation, wear or shrinkage in the ability of the same after, nothing more and nothing less than 30,000 loads.

This new technology of supercapcitadores works in such a way that own electricity or electric charge build up directly on the surface of the material, all this without resorting to elements and chemical reactions as happens now same with current technology of batteries of lithium ions that even at the risk of explosion, and if not ask it be disappeared Samsung Galaxy Note 7 coming to be the best Android device of all times and has had to go through the back door after the failure with their built-in batteries that were a real danger and extreme risk to public health.

We hope that soon we can have all the benefits that would bring us these new superbaterias, and when I say soon, I mean that if permitted by the major interests that tend to fuck and leave these discoveries into oblivion, interests that manufacturers of batteries which move a incredible millionaire of pasta just in spare parts of the same move large companies If these same not screwed the invention, within a year or two, we could already see smartphones and Tablets that hold with a single load up to 20 days of use. A single charge which in addition would be completed in a matter of seconds.

Dentro de poco habrán superbaterías que se cargarán en segundos y durarán 20 veces más que las actuales

I personally, in time I usually show skeptical with this news, and it is that isn’t that you dude from the advances of science and researchers from around the world, is more, I believe that this exists for a long time and could already be implemented in all the terminals of new generation without having to wait even one minute. This as you say, if there were not these economic interests of average interest that the powerful Don moves money and that is very difficult to change habits by far to discover even new technologies that they neither needed electricity to operate.

For the time being and starting from skepticism that I have mentioned, we will be aware of everything that happens on these new superbaterias which are loaded in seconds and that promise to last up to 20 times longer than that we know up to now, all of this also without wear or mermaje of its capacity with the passage of time, even after being charged more than 30 thousand times.

All of this is clear, permitting those big economic interests that move so far current batteries and its manufacturers. Let us hope that for the good of all, even as not for the good of our planet, use commonsense above these economic interests of a few and this technology or other higher may finally become a reality.

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