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The ACE up his sleeve that has Nokia with its Android


Hard to think where a manufacturer could deliver the knockout blow on the table so that it retumbara strong enough so that parts are tambalearan and strategies taken by the others would have to be devised. Not is nothing easy, as are several them manufacturers that invest huge amounts of money in advertising and forms of devise ones smartphones that them costs Excel between all that repertoire that come of all the parts of the planet; practically from the Mainland Asian, at least in its manufacturing.

Nokia returns to mobile telephony, in this case the call as “smart” or “intelligent”. But that turned not seems that go to be as a mere witness more, but wants to call the attention required, for what was the brand Finnish back again to the present. This is the beautiful dream of a Nokia that have an ACE up his sleeve and that will possibly be able to incite us to have ever a phone of that brand as recognized by all. In these times of layers custom, manufacturers that is forget of its P8 and an Apple that you costs move tab, Nokia could have a small space by which strain is.

Nokia wants that its name sounds with force

If look to Motorola, another brand of entity, returned to the scene thanks to some smartphones that is based in an Android almost pure without just personalization from the company. What happens is, is finally past at the hands of Lenovo , although we say it, it will try to do its part to merge his name with what was the American company in his tour of Android. Is logical on the one hand, as are many them marks Chinese that try to meter is of full in the juicy and succulent market American.

I am referring to Motorola, because it might be the example where Nokia is based to return with the best energies to a market which, in part, it need and yearn for it. Almost I’m leaving them letters to the discovered in that table that there are that falter, and that as would be some Nokia with Android pure to it Pixel.


To who not you would like to a Nokia with Android pure? Few could respond that response with a negative, but rather with a positive, and more after know it well that is moves the OS for devices mobile of Google from Marshmallow and Nougat; Although that 7.x still are some by knowing him and handle him best. Is a sum that called it attention and we put before them doubts of what could be our next Android.

But would that ACE is removed where Nokia?

This possibility comes from a recent interview, in which Numella told Reuters that HMD is a species according to Google, but the details of it are not clear. The same report also claims that HMD is building the operating system of your smartphone in cooperation with Google. This could mean that Nokia would be trying to offer some free custom layers smartphones and all those apps makers getting nothing more than thrive battery and the performance of the terminal.


It is not nothing fixed or anything official, but that goes the rumor by Ethereal spaces of the network of networks at present, and that in itself makes sense, to check that not easy is to find a smartphone with a minimum custom layer. They are Sony, Motorola and own Pixel, but a Nokia Android pure, as it sounds very good, don’t you think?

They can get these intentions become more real, if we know another declaration, which ended the entry, made by the same Nummela Bloomberg:

The Nokia brand is known for its simplicity, ease of use and quality. Those are the elements that will be provided in conjunction with an impressive industrial design.

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