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Android 7.1.1 comes in the form of OTA to the Nexus with three interesting news

Nexus OTA

The existence of Google Pixel means that there will be features that takes in appear in the rest of terminals Nexus and Android. It will be a period of exclusivity which has phone manufactured by the big G addressing a number of small features that will put us well long by no access to them at that moment teeth and we can question if we have to sell our current phone to acquire the Pixel.

Makes already some few hours came the version 7.1.1 in form of images of factory and OTA to a good list of devices Nexus that may have some of them virtues and benefits of the Google Pixel, as cries out Google from your own blog to the announce the arrival of the update. Apart from what are the solutions to bugs and problems of performance, the 7.1.1 brings get three small news that not there that despise, since two of them will be a good change.

The OTAs and images of factory of the 7.1.1

Google has already provided since this link images and OTA from this one. Verizon, the American operator which had exclusively Pixel, already has offered details of the OTA and it can be expected that both Pixel and the Pixel XL will receive two gestures already announced days ago, such as the double-tap to turn on the terminal and “takes to check”.


Android 7.1.1 new features and are some specific Google Pixel which can now be used by all devices that are being updated for the coming months.

These are specific builds for Android 7.1.1:

  • Pixel / Pixel XL: NMF26O
  • Pixel C: NMF26H
  • Nexus 6 p: NMF26F
  • Nexus 5 X: NMF26F
  • Nexus 9 / 9 LTE: NMF26F
  • Nexus Player: NMF26J

Google also has confirmed that the Nexus 6 will receive Android 7.1.1 as was promised originally and that those devices in the program beta of Android will receive an OTA for the version of Android 7.1.1 well soon.

3 the 7.1.1 updates

Apart from 3 updates the 7.1.1 itself, the most interesting is that some exclusivities of the Pixel go to all Android devices that are being upgraded. Of time, are only the Nexus, but soon you can have any of these 3 features in your phones.

Gender equality in the emojis

Google offers more forms of communicate is with the equality of gender to the add new emojis that reflect them roles that play both the women as the men, of equal it profession. Is include the counterpart in the genre for the emojis of certain professions that were only for men or women. So equality comes for all version 7.1.1 of Android.

Tonos de piel

GIFs shipping directly from the keyboard

If you are looking for more forms of expression, now you can send directly from your keyboard GIFs in apps that offer the same support as Google Allo, Google Messenger and Hangouts.

This capacity will be including in the rest of third-party keyboards as SwiftKey, but it can be assumed that, if it depends on an API, thus will be unknown.


Shortcuts or shortcut app

The app shortcuts we’ve speaking rarely to have been integrated by apps launchers most recognized third parties such as Nova Launcher or Action Launcher. Shortcuts can be released directly from the desktop by clicking form in an icon. Arise several options, and select an of them to launch a Tweet of form direct on Twitter or perform a search in YouTube. In this way, you can jump to several actions immediately from the own icon.

App shortcuts

At the moment, Nexus devices may only have these three small additions, but at least the rest will get them at some point. Now that keyboards and third-party launchers are upgraded and can send a GIF from SwiftKey or have more app shortcuts in Nova Launcher apart than they already have in Marshmallow.

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