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The great Google move to break the market with their own smartphones

Sundar Pichai

If we focus on the arrival of an exGoogler, as it is Hugo Barra, to land Chinese to disembark in a Xiaomi who was emerging as an interesting company, we can go understanding the great move by Google that will try to break the scenario of mobile devices, unless smartphones. This great move will cause wobble board of Android and all those manufacturers that sell like crazy, and even you can move slightly the position of Apple with its iPhone, if this remains attentive to the movements of the of Mountain View, which, as I said, already comes from a few years ago.

Google has been doing different moves on the chessboard which means now the smartphones market and that began when Hugo Barra joined a Xiaomi which has been one of the culprits for major brands such as Samsung and LG, see combating against all those well balanced devices in price and quality. Starting from this mere movement from Chinese land, let’s try to unmask the great move of Google ending when it launches its own devices with the logo printed “G” in the same housing.

A Hugo bar landing in China

If I refer to this movement is due to Xiaomi has been able to Samsung to launch new series to compete against high-quality phones at prices between 150-250 euros, and at the same time down the line that many users move to buy phones that offer a great Android experience, but at the same time having to leave their 600-700€ , as has been happening with the range high of the manufacturer Korean and others.

Hugo Barra

To this movement on the part of Xiaomi, also is joined Motorola with those two first generations of Moto X and others that allowed approach us to phones to a very good price with a layer pure of Android and with updates that came well fast. Them Moto also began to show another of the best features that has now Android, a layer pure that has a design elegant and that works very well in as opposed to those heavy of Samsung and other manufacturers.

By what have hand to some brands changing the market based hits with smartphones balanced in qualities and price, and on the other hand, from the own Motorola, showing what is has of do with a phone from West showing the great change of Android to a version pure that is moves of fear.

The Nexus opening road

The other movement well interesting from Google is the have released the Nexus. They arrived in the 4 Nexus, Nexus 7 and other to a very good price for a few devices of high quality components. A few designed terminals, initially, so third-party developers could experiment with its apps and manufacturers also had a device in which test the latest Android.

Nexus 4

Say that the Nexus have been the field of testing for go devising what would be the phone Google that would be the culmination end of this great plan devised by Google in which all is premeditated. By these Nexus have last different manufacturers that have State collaborating with it own Google, by what for this also it has served as a great experience.

The Nexus is characterized by:

  • Android open source
  • Google keeps supplying the code
  • They receive rapid updates
  • They are reasonably priced (with some exceptions)
  • They are phones with unlocked boot

The final move: Google phone


Now are in the moment perfect so Google is peel of the brand Nexus and lance their phones Google with which lead is all the market. I have already mentioned the characteristics of the Nexus to come to alleviate many of the problems of today’s users:

  • Not be want a phone that cost much
  • Updates that are slow in arriving or never arrive
  • Heavy layers that slow down the phone

The final touch to make the perfect move, you is that those two phones reach a price that low range and the high end Samsung type media in which Xiaomi has placed another order. If he is able to throw these phones with a set price, it will have everything to complete this great play that has been devising years.

Now we can understand why in these past months, both Huawei and Samsung have been stating that they were going to bet on their own operating system for mobile devices. They know that What’s coming is big and little can do, since from a Google perspective it will be something like: you’ve used Android, you have obtained many benefits, now is my time…

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