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Receiving Wi-Fi I have or how to do mirroring on a TV without a router about

Receptores Wi-Fi TenGoIn the 21st century, there are few users who do not have a smartphone on which to enjoy all types of content, including movies and music. Both the good and the bad of consuming content on a small screen is clear: we can do it anywhere, but especially in the case of videos, we will have to watch the action on a screen that occasionally surpasses almost 4 inches. But if we have a TV nearby, receivers have Wi-Fi will allow us to see it all on a bigger screen.

I am totally convinced that at this point the vast majority of readers of Androidsis will be thinking about the Google Chromecast. Why? Maybe because the Chromecast is also a Wi-Fi receiver which will allow us to reflect on a television which we see or listen on your Android device, but there is a fundamental difference that makes the proposals I have more attractive than Google’s.

Recipients have not depend on a Wi-Fi network

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Other receivers, such as the mentioned Chromecast, depend on a Wi-Fi network to operate, i.e., to be able to connect your Android device with other receivers, both the Android device like the receiver that connect to the TV must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Without a router that emits a wireless signal, our Android device can not be connected with our TV. On the other hand, recipients have created their own Wi-Fi network, which can reflect the action of (almost) any smartphone Android on any TV that has an HDMI port, which comes in especially handy if we will travel to a place where we don’t have access to the Internet, a situation that we will probably have to happen soon if we go on vacation.

Types of receivers have for Android

GoCast Dual Miracast

GoCast Dual MiracastThe GoCast Dual would be the closest thing to the Chromecast, both for the price and characteristics. Costs €39.95, just € 5 more than the proposal from Google, but with the difference that, as we have mentioned, you can go to any hotel or lodge without the Internet, connect to the HDMI port on a TV and start to watch all the movies that we have stored on our Android device, as well as listen to music through the TV speakers provided worth worth.

GoCast Mirroring

GoCast Mirroring

What have commented of the Dual is also available with the Mirroring, but this second will also allow us to reflect the image of a computer without using cables. On the other hand, if what you want is to use a second display (something that makes a server to perform some work, but with cable), GoCast Mirroring will allow us to extend our Windows desktop and use our television to have another window that will allow us to work better, for example. That Yes, for a price of € 49.95 (or 40.95 reconditioned one at the time of writing).

GoCast Music

GoCast MusicIf you want to listen to music, we also have available the GoCast Music. This receiver is very similar to the previous two, but it has a 3.5 mm jack connector so we can connect it to any computer music. On the other hand, it also has a Router mode which allows us to send the contents of audio over the Internet. This should be the choice for any music lover. It is available for the same price as GoCast Mirroring, for €49.95.



If what we want is one multimedia receiver all terrain and the size of a flash drive, microShare is what might interest us. This small receiver Wi-Fi will allow us to reflect virtually any content and any connections DLNA-compatible device. But the small size has a price and the microShare, being similar to the GoCast Dual, is priced at € 49.95.

Four receivers can be managed with the application Media Center I have that you have available in the following link.

Download: Media Center I have! (Free, Google Play) →

So you know: If you are considering you buy a device that will allow you to connect your smartphone or Android tablet to a tele or you are going on vacation to a place without Internet or router, I have wireless receivers are worth.

More information: I have! Android-TV

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