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Motion is an app which you can record videos fascinating stop-motion


The world of animation, until there is 3D, made use of various techniques to fool the human eye to create soft and well striking animations. I can tell from Walt Disney, Warner and many others who opened the world to animation to provide all kinds of funny stories. Within these techniques there is a call stop motion and which consist of movement of static objects through a series of successive still images appear. Many of the films of plasticine are made with this technique, and surely the nightmare before Christmas and Coraline you quickly remember this technique.

As is technical is worth of a camera to go recording all them tomas, to the have a device mobile have in our hand to an of the main tools to create stop motion. What remains is an app that encourage us with this technique and put it easier. It is here where comes in Motion, an app for Android really striking and which will help you to make those videos stop motion to dazzle friends and family. Say that you you encargaréis of emplacement to the objects so of the rest is Motion which make a great work. And who knows if, thanks to this app, you discover a new world in the animation.

The animation stop motion in your hand

Surely that the ancient filmmakers specialized in the animation had had a smartphone as which have to day of today, their productivity had increased considerably. Many times we forget what we have at hand, and that camera in your device can give much play. A game that, in these holiday of summer, can allow that dig a few hours devising a small short of several minutes that take with this app called Motion.

Mazinger Z

Motion makes things simple without many boasts and complicate the life of the user. It will ask that you shoot a series of frames, select the video speed (up to 30 frames per second) and create a video at the time. Those 30 frames can be changed so they are 12, since in classical animation every second contained 12 drawings, based on key positions and collations, so with a little idea great animations can be created if we have the Holy patience to go moving the object a little whenever we make a new trip. If we have a tripod for mobile, better to best.

The app itself

Motion, in the moment that launch it, puts us before a blank screen in which we encouraged to create a new project from the sign more which is located in the top right. The next screen asks us that pressed the camera button to start capturing frames. Is the only button that we have available, so we went to this. When we have open the camera app, we have the fire button and a timer that you can set to make a photo every some seconds (10, 20, 30 and 1 min).

Stop Motion

With the frames already taken, is us open now them two options that were shaded: speed of frames and reproduction. So the animation is soft, is need many frames, although if part the FPS to 12 frames by second, although do 3 catches, the animation will improve considerably. When you have set these parameters, you can download the video to the gallery with a notice that advises of the progress of the video processing.

Actually, Motion gets to be very easy to create a video to share then. If we have then an app to create GIFs animated, can create one from that video so thus is share of best form. If it is a high quality app and that is focused on ease of use, so I recommend trying it, since it is free from the Play Store.

Download: Motion – Stop Motion Camera (Free*, Google Play) →

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